Private Personal and Relationship Coaching
“I’ve found Vika and her work to be both mind-bogglingly effective and heart-opening.
She’s always authentic about her own humanity, and her uncanny ability to reach out to people,
empathize with them, and connect deeply with them is unique in my experience.
The relationship coaching that she has done for me and my wife
has opened up a new world of connection for us that I never dreamed possible.
The individual coaching that she’s done for me has helped me to release shame and guilt,
and learn how to both maintain my boundaries and open up to other people more easily.”
— David L., PhD. Music historian, Author, & Energy Healer, Brazil
“This is the best money I’ve ever spent.”
— CM, 7-figure author
“Thanks for all your support! I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was 110.
It’s usually up in the high 130s, and I’ll bet that that low blood pressure has to do with
being less distressed. Yay, and thanks!”
— Joe M., Independent NVC Trainer, Portland, OR
“Vika Miller is one of the most gifted, personally authentic people I’ve ever met.
Perhaps because she has done her own inner work at the deepest levels,
she has a rare, astonishing knack for sharing advanced psycho-neurological information
in easily understandable, practical, and deeply empowering stories, characters, tools, and practices.
She listens from a very deep and present level. I recommend her at the highest levels as teacher, coach, or mentor.“
— Jeffry Jeanetta-Wark, MA., LICSW, Holistic Psychotherapist,
Center for Integrated Well-Being, Minneapolis, MN
I work with high-integrity, heart-centered visionaries devoted to creating sustainable, synergistic, thriving relationships that honor and work for ALL.
If this is you, then you’re one of the Real Heroes in this world.
You may be focused on your home and family, your workplace, your community or nation, or the planet. Where you feel Called to focus doesn’t matter. Your vision, and your passion for that vision, does.
I’m here to help you fulfill on your greatest vision of what’s possible, in that realm.
And let’s face it, this is an extremely troubled time, desperately in need of Real Heroes who have come into Right Relationship with their full vision, purpose, and power, who are free to make the difference they are Called to make in the world.
So. Are you ready to:
- Finally get lasting relief from persistent, life-disrupting anxiety and overwhelm that disempowers you?
- End the exhaustion and frustration of working so hard all the time but never getting what you want most?
- Discover the hidden cause behind crazy, dysfunctional behavior, that instantly restores your access to sanity, compassion, confidence, and power in service of your most deeply held values?
- Stop pursuing and finally “catch” the happiness, satisfaction, joy, and wonder of fulfilling on your most cherished visions?
- At last be free to make the contribution you were born to make? (Because what you need to learn in order to solve the challenges you face, is the same thing you need to learn in order to help save the world.)
- Get fast, profoundly effective results?
If so, you’ve come to the right place.
I live what I teach. And I’m devoted to teaching you everything I know, so that you can contribute its transformative power everywhere you go.
In service of this commitment, I demonstrate and deliver:
- a deeply safe, honoring relational space
- (r)evolutionary, proven-effective distinctions, processes, practices, and tools
- emotional and values literacy, including transparency, warmth, and playfulness, as well as impeccable personal dignity, accountability, and attuned, effective repair
- powerfully life-serving wisdom
Our work together will reliably, utterly transform your experience of the most persistent, disruptive challenges you’re facing into clarity, stability, unleashed authentic power, and wildly abundant well-being.
For real.
No kidding.
Because the faerie-tale world of Heaven on Earth that you envision and have devoted your life to is real, and it’s available. (I know, because I and my clients are living in it, in all its down-to-earth, imperfect perfection.)
But, you have to be willing to pay the price: you must go on the Hero’s Journey and do the inner work to:
- Come into Right Relationship with your power … and your powerlessness
- Understand and come into Right Relationship with your Fear, Failure, Pain, Shame … and Fulfillment
- Learn how to clearly See and build Shared Reality — including making an appropriate “place at the table” for your own and others’ Personal Reality
When you build your capacity to effectively practice these and other key Thriving Life skills, you will be free to real-ize the vision you have for yourself, your life, and your relationships.
All Coaching Sessions offer a deeply safe, attuned space where your personal reality — your own perspectives, experience, beliefs, truths, and life-needs — will be heard and honored.
Personal Coaching provides laser-focused time devoted entirely to you, that allows us to gently illuminate, honor, and transform old beliefs and protective coping strategies, so that your “survival” and “thriving” brains stop battling each other — and others — in ways that seriously drain your energy and block your effectiveness.
Relationship Coaching offers your relationship the fullest access to all the (r)evolutionary distinctions, practices, and power of Personal Coaching, plus the accelerated, luminous transformation that becomes possible when all parties do this work simultaneously.
I guide romantic partners, parents and adult children, adult siblings, business partners, neighbors, community members, and friends in acknowledging and resolving the old injuries, persistent complaints, broken trust, or deep hurt that destroy not only our healthy relationship with others, but also our own health and well-being.
Whether you’re seeking Personal or Relationship Coaching, my work with each person always begins with a complimentary Thrive Breakthrough Consultation. This allows me to hear, understand, and honor your very real, very important personal reality, and begin to discern the underlying source of the particular difficulties you’re facing. This provides the safest, most effective foundation for our first Personal or Relationship Coaching Session together.
This also gives you an essential opportunity to meet me and experience a small taste of my r(evolutionary) methods that produce the extraordinary results I deliver, so you can discern if you feel at home working with me — completely risk-free.
I bring a lifetime of my own deepest human journey and nearly 4 decades of experience providing illuminating, easy-to-apply guidance that produces rapid, deeply transformational results to therapists, coaches, ministers, small business owners, C-suite executives, high-performing professionals, romantic partners, parents and adult children, intentional communities, persons living in maximum security prisons, and more.
If you’re ready to make your greatest visions a reality …
the first step is to Start Here and get a taste of me and my work.
Once you’ve watched all 3 videos and feel inspired to explore further, I invite you to request your complimentary Thrive Breakthrough Consult.
Because it’s your birthright to thrive.
And I’m here to help you get there.