Discover Your Human Design
We’re born to THRIVE.
And we can support our thriving even more effortlessly
when we discover and learn how to navigate our Human Design
— our unique energetic blueprint.
Are you ready to reclaim your deepest authenticity, find your life purpose, and unlock your greatest potential?Whether you’re wanting to:
- create more satisfying relationships
- improve your rest, vitality, and productivity
- feel more confident in your choices
learning about your Human Design can help!
For as long as I could remember, I’d had periods of tremendous productivity, followed by very frustrating periods of “inactivity.” During those “inactive” times, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do any creative work to save my life.
I’d always thought there was something wrong with me, that I could never continuously sustain any creative momentum.
Then I learned about my Human Design … and discovered that, as a Projector, these cycles of of enormous productivity followed by inactivity (rest!) are a built-in part of how my energy system is designed.
(And that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me, during those times when I couldn’t be “productive.”)
Now that I know how to work with this aspect of my Human Design, my periods of “inactivity” have dwindled from literally weeks or months to at most a few days.
All while enjoying more energy, ease, freedom, and delight in both my creative periods and my rest times.
It’s dramatically improved my thriving … with so much less effort and struggle!
Human Design has also revealed the source of a challenging dynamic I experience from time to time, with certain new people (in any kind of relationship): we have a delightful connection at a certain level, but it seems like a deeper attunement is always out of reach. Now I don’t wonder what’s going on when this seemingly strange, frustrating dynamic shows up, because every time it shows up, it turns out these people have a “Single Definition” Human Design energy system — one where, unlike most people, they don’t need other people to complete their “energy circuits.” I understand where this sense of “distance” is coming from, and simply make room for this aspect of our relationship. This saves me a lot of energy, and creates so much more ease and flow in those connections!
These are just a couple examples of how learning my Human Design has illuminated my understanding of myself and my relationships, and dramatically enhanced my ability to thrive.